Know Better Do Better
When we know better we do better or so the saying goes.. Does it go beyond that? Do we actually do better when we know better or is this a phrase we coin off on our children to plant a seed that we hope grows in them while deliberately avoiding our own advice?
And if action speaks louder than words is it any wonder that far too many destructive yet accepted practices take place worldwide? We sit on the sidelines not wanting to leave the comfort zones we have built around ourselves. We push aside truth if it challenges our conveniences even at the cost of another sentient beings existence.
We are products of our surroundings surrounded by products. Really think about that for a moment or two. Have we become more product than human(e)? Do we turn our cheek to atrocities if it means continuing our preferred way of life undisturbed?
I know this isn't the content everyone wants to see or read or even acknowledge because it's disrupting, it's not sugar-coated, it's not packaged to sell in an appealing bottle. But if you knew what was behind that fancy label would it still be glamorous? Would you still have to have it? If it meant this?
Why is it that we allow ourselves to become the victim of another beings suffering? Often when I bring these things up in conversation I'm met with "That's just too sad for me to even think about" or something along those lines. While I do understand (to an extent) it is not an excuse to disregard the suffering of another and replace it with your own.
Below is a list of companies that exploit and torture animals for the sake of profit and product. You may find that you use one or all of the listed products. This doesn't mean you should condemn yourself but it does gift you the opportunity to make effective changes that align with compassion and respect for all life. We all have the option to choose ethical practices, ones that do not exploit a life for the purpose of a profitable product.
Will you make a change even if it challenges your conveniences? Together we can make a difference. I hope you'll join me.
Companies that test products on Animals