Finding Confidence In Creativity

Did you grow up comparing yourself to the impeccable drawer next to you in art class? Maybe life's daily tasks became overwhelming and your creativity drifted to the wayside. Whatever the reason it's time to pick up your drawing pad, your camera, your paintbrush, your yarn, your microphone and start creating again.

Everyone Has A Creative Nature

Yes, that means you! There are so many various forms of creativity and self-expression whether it be cooking, sewing, painting, woodworking, illustrating, writing, movement, spoken word there is a niche for you. It is common for us to believe there are enough people in the world creating. And we think their more advanced than we, have better equipment, or more knowledge. The truth is there's not because you've stopped creating. It is true that people may have fancier equipment or a wide range of knowledge in a specific area but they don't have what you have. What you bring forth is unique to you.

Identify With Self-Doubt

It is important we change our self talk when embarking on a journey back to creativity. We are usually our toughest critics when we should be our own #1 fan. Nothing will diminish the high from creating like you talking down to yourself and your ideas. Remember how great you once thought those finger paintings were in grade school? That feeling was rooted in your excitement to create. It was not rooted in other people's opinions, positions, or paintings. Self-Doubt and judgement are conditions we learn over time through society, our families, and so on. Those characteristics are incredibly self-limiting and add zero productivity or value to our lives.

Committing To Your Creativity

In order to grow confident in any of our endeavors we have to make them a frequented part of our lives. This can be hard if we view something as a chore or procrastinate out of fear or over thinking. If we set a goal to, lets say blog 3x per week or even once a week but feel like it's another thing on our to do list we will resent showing up. It is vital to stay  grounded in that childlike excitement of our expression. When we arrive from a place of curiosity we find motivation to explore and produce freely. If we are not committing out of fear it is important to question where this fear stems from? Maybe this journey to find confidence in creativity should be all your own at first while you find out where your confidence went or why it plummeted in the first place. But you can't get there without committing to doing. It is no secret that practice makes progress but the hidden truth is that practice challenges old notions and ingrained beliefs while expanding our self-assurance and abilities.

Is You're Creativity Based In Truth

If you are creating because you desire certain accolades or have a fixed outcome for your creativity, it is likely you won't experience satisfaction but exhaustion from attempting to keep up with projects that lack genuine passion.  Find what makes you come alive or bring life to what you already can't live without or stop thinking about. Not only will you relish in your authenticity but if or when you chose to share, so will others.

You Can Do This!

I believe in you but that's nothing compared to you believing in yourself! Wondering how I know? I too struggled with finding confidence in my creativity. I too believed I wasn't creative. Growing up from ages 8-18 every art project of mine was criticized, after voice lessons I was told I was tone-deaf, after basketball practices I was told I had no coordination. After 10 years of those repetitive critics I believed them to be my truths. It wasn't until I made it my mission to unravel this upbringing that I realized it was not my responsibility to continue believing them.In recognizing that I was in fact creative and an artist by nature I recognized that I had the choice to write a new narrative. At one point in this journey I tricked myself into thinking I would take away from friends should I choose to embrace an art form they had already been pursuing. This kept me even further away from where I wanted to be but I had to learn the lessons of my self-limiting thinking. At this point I don't feel constricted in needing to define my creativity. I create in so many ways and everyday because that is what serves me. I feel like the child in grade school so inherently proud of my creations, of myself even when someone else doesn't sees the same value I do. Finding confidence in my creativity led me to greatly appreciate me.

I hope wherever you are in your journey, you are learning to appreciate yourself, your talents, and your creativity. If not I hope you start.

As always, thank you for joining me here♥

You are appreciated! 


Sweet Potato Ginger Soup


Not All Who Wander Are Lost | Mt. Axtell