Meditations From Mt. Axtell| A Sunset Special

Victoria Lise atop Mt. Axtell Colorado

Life is full of it

Victoria Lise mediates at sunset atop summit

Full of so many things, feelings, ideals, judgements. A whirlwind of an experience made up of both the wonderful and devastating. My life in particular is incredibly wonderful, not without challenge, but privileged, blessed. Outside of my immediate realm though exists natural disasters, violence, war, greed, malice, hunger, racism, a world unimaginable but very real. And although I've seen some of these things firsthand, I've not experienced them as an everyday reality.  Often I wonder how to talk about these things, how to make them a part of the conversation but feel I don't know enough or where to even begin. I understand these conversations can feel heavy, many feel helpless or can't bear the weight on top of personal struggles.

Yin and Yang

Victoria Lise atop summit at sunset

Victoria Lise stands on horizon between land and sky

And sometimes I wonder if it's even acceptable for me to highlight my personal interests and passions while there are so many other people and issues that need the volume and audience. While reflecting on Mt. Axtell it dawned on me that it's just as vital to have outlets to release the heaviness we carry, the weight that builds, the questions we seek answers to. It is vital to cultivate joy and peace. Maybe withholding those things is a disservice in and of itself. This isn't the first time I've crossed paths with this realization but a lesson I continue to intersect with.

The World Outside My Door

Layers of Colorado Mountains Victoria Lise

Victoria Lise atop Rocky Mountain at Sunset

At the same time the world is beautiful, quiet, and alive. There exists a world nearly unimaginable but in an entirely different sense. And it is just as real as the darkness. Maybe that is what is meant by balance.

Harvesting Peace

Victoria Lise The Hills Are Alive

While I will never know all the answers (nor would I want too) I will continue to cultivate compassion, creativity, inspiration, and effective action where I can. I will continue to learn the ways of the wise ones before me and when its time I will harvest the lessons and replant them.

These shots were taken atop Mt. Axtell during the magic hour.  For more photos from the summit and basic travel info, go here.

Behind the lens: Alex T.

Victoria Lise and dog, Styx sunset summit

How do you stay grounded in chaotic times? Leave your words of wisdom below!

As always, thank you greatly for joining me here♥

Wishing you all Peace♥


Trees Of Colorful Colorado


Sweet Potato Ginger Soup