Scorpio New Moon; Doorway For Transformation
Scorpio takes nothing at face value and neither does this new moon. Like a snake shedding its skin, something from deep within impels us to move beyond outdated, outworn , or old phases of life. This cycle encourages us to surrender all that we have adorned ourselves with, to lay down all the jewels we wear to identify ourselves, all that we pretend to be to protect ourselves. Scorpio demands we leave our pretentious cover ups at the door if we are to take the deep dive into ourselves.
This type of exploration requires honesty, rose tinted glasses aren't helpful here, they obscure the truths we're in quest of. This cycle invites us to our own show, a seat in the front row, to watch the unveiling of all that we repress or avoid. Our own shadow that's always lurking but we deny or try to keep well hidden. How can we be whole when we condemn parts of our entire self?
Our first reaction may be to run full force in the opposite direction or dig our heels in the ground as an attempt to stay securely rooted on the surface, but with Uranus opposing this new moon, it is likely something that is rotten within us will be shaken, stirred, and poured before us into a crystal clear chalice. Meeting the dark sides of our nature can be intense, unpleasant even, yet it opens the doorway for transformation. In being attentive to and finding acceptance for pain, crises, and the life/death/life current, we allow healing to work, growth to occur, and potent truths to be revealed.
Scorpio knows the value in reducing itself to nearly nothing in order to transmute and reintegrate with a masters degree in self knowledge and wholeness. Just as the trees let go of their leaves yet remain alive -we too meet seasons of our lives where we feel stripped or restructured entirely. It is when we are completely bare we meet a part of ourselves that is always there, that sustains us when all else has fallen away.
This passionate new moon cautions us not to remain stuck in our wounds or victimized by life's circumstances. It is in this self undoing we liberate ourselves to step into our power fiercely and humbly.
Scorpio lives life by the bones, banishing illusions to align with truth, destroying one form, knowing another will arise from the ash or essence of the last. This is the season where veils are thinned between ego and essence, truth and illusion, conscious and unconscious, spirit and matter. Scorpio shows us it's not all so separate so long as we aren't afraid of the dark.
Every new beginning entails a death of some sort, a clearing to make space for new. What needs to be transformed or destroyed for a more evolved version of yourself to emerge and unfurl? Meet yourself in quiet, gentle contemplation, and listen to the primal wisdom of your intuition.
☾ This New Moon in Scorpio is exact at 11:39 Eastern Standard Time ☽