April 8 Eclipse; An Astrological perspective

Aries is the self 

The will, the warrior. 

On April 8th, 2024 the new moon in Aries coincides with a total Solar Eclipse. The Sun and Moon in Aries are joined by Mercury retrograde (the mind), Chiron (the wounded healer) and the North Node of the Moon (our karmic true North). These are significant times, made more potent by other planetary signatures currently or soon occurring. It might be wise to expect the unexpected, leave room for surprises, and pay close attention. Difficult feelings could arise but it’s what lies beneath them that should make us curious. While something is making its way into our awareness, both collectively and personally, it might be best to be patient with it’s reveal and face it head on. There could be an impulse to act on intense feelings but, pause in trust, knowing your inner strength can carry you through the tension. You may find there’s less to act on and more to release.

Let’s get an idea of the themes playing out and questions we can contemplate for deeper self inquiry.

Leaving behind the people pleasing tendencies, the ways in which we’ve been conditioned to avoid confrontation in order to keep the peace. 

Instead we can let our anger act as a messenger. What’s beneath it? Where and with who do you need to be more direct? Consider yourself here, this is Aries after all, the Self. Do we actually know ourselves? What we think? How we feel? Are you attuned to your instincts?  We’ve been so conditioned, we may have adopted the majority of our identity from the world around us. Society doesn’t ask us who we are, it tells us.

Aries is associated with survival instincts and responses.

Is your impulse to react rooted in an old threat that no longer exists? Are you responding to the world through fight, flight, or freeze? How are these responses impacting your choices, your thoughts, your relationships? While these protected you at one time, do they have utility now?

Can you reclaim the urge to prove to others what you believe? Do you require others to validate what you believe in order for it to be true? Can you stand alone in your passion, in your anger, in your cause?

Are you true to yourself in relationships? Are you always agreeable? Are you always the one to accommodate the others needs, wants, schedules, etc? Or is it all about you?

How far are you willing to go to carry your cause? Are you willing to act on the words you speak? Is there integrity behind your intentions? 

Do you speak the truth, honestly and directly? Or do you decorate the truth to be more palatable and pleasant? Do you manipulate the truth to make yourself appear different than you are?

The masquerade is over! The time has come to remove the masks and face ourselves, see ourselves, and be seen.

Aries leads. Are you leading your life or is someone or something else? Are you willing to be a leader in your own life? Where are you being called to lead in your life?

There is healing opportunity here surrounding our collective karma. Opportunity is the operative word here as opportunities have to be acted upon to be made good. 

Is the work really in telling others what has to be done for a new reality to be made possible? Do more bricks get laid by telling others to lay them? Or does a new path get made from us picking up one brick at a time and laying a path?

There’s emphasis on doing our own life’s work to be able to join together in common. To bring awareness to the individual wound(s) unhealed yet still in charge of our every step. To be compassionately and brutally honest with ourselves first. To show up for ourselves where others may have let us down, to build self trust, and burn the cycles of self abandonment.

It can be useful to look at where this eclipse is taking place in your own chart to gain awareness as to which area of your life is being activated. You can go to Astro.com, navigate to Menu, Free Horoscopes, Horoscopes Drawing & Data, Chart Drawing, Ascendant- input your birth information and pull up your chart. Look for the area that contains the Aries ( ♈︎ ) glyph. Next, look to the black lines beneath the glyph, each one represents 5 degrees. Find 20 degrees of Aries, then look to the number (1-12) on the inner angle, that is the house or area of life these energetics are taking place. The example below shows Aries in the 8th house. Continue below to get an idea of what the 12 houses represent.

A basic outline of the themes relevant to the 12 houses and where you might find this eclipse energy surfacing in your life.

First house: identity, physical body, will power, self image

Second house: values, stability, self worth, possessions

Third house: communication, siblings, ideas, transportation,

Fourth house: home, family, ancestry, the gut

Fifth house: play, children (+inner child), ego, pleasure, creativity

Sixth house: health, daily routine tasks, rituals for wholeness, service 

Seventh house: partnerships, agreements, equilibrium, business matters  

Eighth house: intimacy, inheritance, shared resources, transformation

Ninth house: study, philosophy, belief systems, law, ethics, travel  

Tenth house: work, reputation, achievements, ambitions, authority

Eleventh house: like-minded connections, humanitarian groups/causes, technology

Twelfth house: intuition, dreams, spirit, forgiveness, addiction, healing

From Earth, eclipses can feel erratic and chaotic. It’s not the best time to set intentions. Better to just be with whatever arises out of the dark. After all, the darkness of the new moon fosters receptivity, reflection, and heightened awareness, allowing wisdom to unfold.

Take good care friends ♥️

Interested in learning how to release stuck survival cycles from your body? Click here


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